If as a customer, you find a flight priced lower than the fares available on CheapFlighTicket for the same date, time and an identical travel itinerary, we offer to pay off the difference to you under our Best Price Guarantee.
When can you Claim a Refund?
In case, you find a flight at a lower price on another flight booking portal or a competitor within 3 hours of booking with CheapFlighTicket, you become eligible to claim the refund.
You have a single chance to get a refund under the Best Price Guarantee Policy for an identical itinerary. You cannot claim a refund more than once even if you discover a cheaper fare on multiple sites.
How to Claim a Refund?
To claim your refund, all you have to do is reach out to our customer care or your travel agent and inform them of the Best Price that you have found and claim your refund under Best Price Guarantee Policy. The lower-priced flight deal that you are claiming should hold validity and fulfil all the requirements for eligibility. If your claim is verified by our agent, the difference in the price will be refunded at the earliest by CheapFlighTicket.
What all is required to Claim a Refund?
To claim a refund request, you are required to send us the necessary documentation via the email against lower fare. The email should include date and time of travel, destination name, airline carrier, class, fare, and other details.